Let's Vibe
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The thing that I love doing is chatting. I do, I excel at it, so much so that I chat for money, I chat for fun and I chat for feeling connected. And this week I have been able to do chat to my heart, mind and soul's content for content. How great is that? It is the best but why?
Connected Vibes
I am the luckiest person because I get to chat to a lot of people and this week I chatted with some very important people. I have known one of the interviewees for over 20 years and I am in awe of their life experience. I read up before hand and found lots of other interviews about this person so big tick on my homework. But what I wanted was more. I know, I'm greedy that way.
So my questions became deeper, more intellectually stimulating, more connected. And that's the point. Connection. We discussed fragmentation and movements and dissastifaction. What if anything can we do to remedy those things? Connection. To deeply connect with another, to listen, to talk, to hear the other. In essence to connect.
Let's talk about it
And so we did, we talked and we connected. Our respective passions connected, we resonated together and so here is my little list of how to connect more on projects to bring passion and purpose to your projects;
1. Understand - do the homework, know the interviewee, know the concepts and know your plan and big picture.
2. Feel - what is the emotion for the big picture? Why that feeling? Is this joy, collaboration, even love? Appreciate the personal choice and make that choice to develop the story. By this I mean, make a choice on the emotional touchpoints and use that as your guiding light.
3. Connect - be ready to connect, the art of connecting is about being ready but also hearing the other person and establishing trust and allowing that trust and other emotions to flow. And maybe that means....
I want to know what love is
Yes, love. Love is connection, love is to allow that flow, to inimately feel the feelings and permit yourself to do so. We are often told what love should be. We are given a great deal of information about actions and material objects of love. But connection, to feel is love so focus on accepting that love.
When you feel you need content with colour and connection, call on me,